SO SPECIAL! You are.

We’re all special, all very unique human beings.

Once we start realizing how truly unique and special each and every one of us is, every action performed by any human being becomes an immensely valuable and individual expression of creation. We are all together in our own way the creators of this world and the complex, yet ingenuos networks of human interaction that we so casually call societies. They are the reflections of our level of sophistication as a species and despite the shortcomings we often see in ourselves, we should really also recognize that at least on this planet we are a unique phenomenon. Gifted in ways that make us stand apart from the species that share this planet with us, yet not superior to them as we are sometimes inclined to believe.

There are many things we could do better, but isn’t our willingness to acknowledge that a very positive attribute in itself and a way to invite ourselves to explore and challenge the limits of our creativity.

So really, a better quote might be “thank you for all the special things you are”.

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